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October Counts 2024
Please submit form(s) through this website by no later than Friday, November 8, 2024.
You must submit one form per church building
. Each church is allotted up to eight entries for Sunday Mass. If your church has more than eight Sunday Masses, you may add a note in the optional field at the bottom of the form.
Indicates required field
Church Capacity (Please verify this number anew for 2024, as it has come to our attention that some of the pre-existing church capacity figures overestimate the realistic number of persons who can safely and comfortably fit in a given church building)
Which weekend's Masses do these counts reflect?
Oct. 5 & 6
Oct. 12 & 13
Oct. 19 & 20
Oct. 26 & 27
Total number of Vigil and Sunday Masses at this Church location
Vigil Time
Sunday Mass #1 Time
Sunday Mass #2 Time
Sunday Mass #3 Time
Sunday Mass #4 Time
Sunday Mass #5 Time
Sunday Mass #6 Time
Sunday Mass #7 Time
Sunday Mass #8 Time
Vigil Attendance
Sunday Mass #1 Attendance
Sunday Mass #2 Attendance
Sunday Mass #3 Attendance
Sunday Mass #4 Attendance
Sunday Mass #5 Attendance
Sunday Mass #6 Attendance
Sunday Mass #7 Attendance
Sunday Mass #8 Attendance
Vigil Communion
Sunday Mass #1 Communion
Sunday Mass #2 Communion
Sunday Mass #3 Communion
Sunday Mass #4 Communion
Sunday Mass #5 Communion
Sunday Mass #6 Communion
Sunday Mass #7 Communion
Sunday Mass #8 Communion
Optional Comment
Name of Submitter